There are numerous articles on the Internet that have grossly distorted historical events to justify the
forced exile of American Loyalists, then use this fallacy as a comparison to construct arguments for subjects
such as, the treatment of Palestinians and alleged political ineptitude.
These articles come in several guises including:
‘Patriots Refugees Right of Return to the USA’ ’Are Demacrats the New Tories’ ‘4th July Special’
But if the real circumstances and actual treatment that the Loyalists received were used in their arguments, they would
fall apart in the eyes of any rational person.
So to correct some of these articles inaccuracies and general misconceptions:
The British were not an occupying force in America, the colonists thought of themselves as British and their legitimate
Redcoat army had protected them from both the French and hostile Indians.
Why the British officials became disliked (by some) was firstly for trying to recoup through taxes, some of the enormous
dept that Britain had incurred protecting the colonists in these conflicts.
But to put what actually happened during America's war of independance into perspective, ckick on Redcoat below:
Click here
 to find out