Battles of the 1812-14 War
The Battle of Tippecanoe 1811
President vs. Belvidera
Battle for Michilimackinac Island & Fort Dearborn
Raid on Gananoque
The Battle of Brownstown
The Battle of Maguaga
The Battle of Detroit
Constitution vs. Guerriere
The Battle of Queenston Heights
U.S.S. United States captures H.M.S. Macedonian
The Battle of Lacolle Mills
The Caledonia and the Detroit
Wasp vs Frolic
Search and Destroy Mission against the Tribes
The Battle of Frenchman's Creek
The Battle of Raison River or Frenchtown
The Battle of Ogdensburg
The Seige of Fort Meigs
The Battle of Fort York
The Battle of Fort Stephenson
The Capture of Fort George
Skirmish at Butler's Farm
Chesapeake vs. Shannon
The Battle of Stoney Creek
The Battle of Forty Mile Creek
The Battle of Craney Island
The Battle of Beaverdams
Argus vs. Pelican
The "Hamilton" and the "Scourge"
The Capture of the "Julia" and the "Growler"
Enterprise vs. Boxer
The Battle of Lake Erie
The Battle of the Thames
The Battle of Sackets Harbour
The Burlington Races
The Battle of Chateauguay
Action at French Creek
The Battle of Crysler's Farm
The Burning of Newark
The Capture of Fort Niagara
The Burning of Buffalo
The Battle of Lacolle Mills
The Raid on Fort Oswego
The Battle of Sandy Creek
Raids into Western Upper Canada
The Battle of Longwoods
Capture of Fort Erie ... July 1814
The Battle of Chippawa
The Burning of St. David's
The Battle of Prairie du Chien
The Battle of Lundy's Lane
The Battle of Fort Mackinac
The Battle on the Nottawasaga
Capture of the Somers and Ohio
The Battle of Bladensburg
The Battle of Washington D.C.
The Battle of Baltimore - Fort McHenry
The Battle of Lake Champlain - Plattsburgh
The Seige at Fort Erie
The Capitulation of Maine
The Battle of Cook's Mills
The Battle of New Orleans
The Surrender of Fort Boyer
Capture of the U.S.S. President
The Green Tiger & the Bloody Boys
104th Regiment
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