Why were so many Americans interested in the marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton?
Or weren’t, if you believe many of their bloggers, who think it’s was all a media conspiracy to drum up ratings. (actual 28.2m live & ~100m total)
But to forget such cynics (who don’t seem to like anything, accept maybe their own supposed importance), the plausible reasons given are:
  • Because they wanted to see the nearest thing you can get to a fairy tale wedding.

  • The pomp and pageantry that the British excel at.

  • Many of their girls like to imagine themselves marrying a Prince.

  • They can identify with a desire to collectively bond.

  • A feel good factor to escape the constant barrage of bad news.

  • To get ideas for their own wedding.

  • That America and Britain share a common DNA and have strong cultural, economic, political ties, they both want to know what interests the other.

  • However one obvious reason never mentioned is, there are Americans deprived since The American Revolution of what would have been their Royal Family.

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